Ulysses' Shelter: building writers-in-residence network

organizes literary residences for young writers, translators and editors. The project will begin at the end of 2018 at three locations - in Ljubljana, Larissa and in Pomena on the island of Mljet, organized by Sandorf publishing house from Zagreb, in partnership with Slovenian Writers' Society (DSP) from Ljubljana and publishing house Thraka from Larissa. Each resident will spend three weeks on each location from December 2018 to October 2019, and the idea of the project is to gradually extend the network of partners to other European countries in the future and to bring together artists from around the world and expose the creative potential of various European locations. Tovar.hr is the main means of informing about the Ulysses' Shelter project - about the residents, their work, and events within the project (readings, workshops, conferences and social events with residents).

Sandorf's Poet Laureate Marija Andrijašević at the Thessalian Poetry Festival

Photos: Nikos Katsaros

Marija Andrijašević, the Ulysses' Shelter poet laureate, was a guest at the Thessalian Poetry Festival that took place from the 26th to 30th of August 2024 in Larissa, Volos (Makrinitsa), Trikala, and Karditsa (Filakti). Andrijašević read her poems in the Art Café in Makrinitsa (27th of August), and participated in the Ulysses' Shelter project presentation in the Open Theatre Lithaiou in Trikala (29th of August). The project presentation consisted of poetry readings by this year's international project participants, whose residencies took place in Greece: Ondřej Lipár, Nežka Struc, Aitana Ahrens, Josip Čekolj, and Marija Andrijašević, as well as some participants from Greece from this and previous years - Tonia Tzirita Zacharatou, Ioanna Lioutsia, and Danae Sioziou. The event was moderated by the previous participant in the program, Nikolas Koutsodontis, and one of the project partners' representatives, Alexandra Büchler (Culture Reset, Literature Across Frontiers), spoke about the importance of literary residencies for young authors, and of the international circulation of literature.



Sandorf - publishing house founded in 2008, engaged in Croatian literature and literature in translation, and in a wide range of books in humanities.


Center for Research and Promotion of Urban Culture (CIP) is a non-profit association that has existed for twenty years. Established in 1998, it operates in the areas of culture and art, urbanism, youth mobility and social dialogue.


Editor in chief: Ivan Sršen

Managing editor: Jana Smrekar

Editorial board: Matko Abramić, Thanos Gogos, Sena Zereyak
Graphic editor: Nikša Eršek

Website maintenance: Nabukodonozor d.o.o.





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